Widgets are the available pre-made sidebar items that can be used alongside any custom HTML. They use the Sidebar Design System in that each item is wrapped in a <div class="sidebar-item"> element.

Recommendations Blog-roll

Displays your recommendations blog-roll, styled in a similar way to Manton.org.

{{ partial "sidebar-widgets/recommendations.html" . }}

The order of recommendations are preserved and links will be added to download the blog-roll as an OPML or JSON file.

Displays a simple list of links.

{{ partial "sidebar-widgets/links.html" <props> }}

Where props is a dict with the following properties:

  • title: the item title, which will appear as a heading above the links
  • links: a list of dict with the following properties:
    • name: the link name, which will be used as the content of the anchor tag
    • url: the link URL

This can be used to include additional blog-rolls or predefined a set of links that will appear on the sidebar.